Publishing a PyPi package on Windows

I was publishing a Python package to PyPi in my Windows PC and all the information I found worked only on Linux/Mac, almost
nothing about Windows so I decided to post about it for posterity. I was facing two main issues:

  1. Couldn’t build the distribution packages.
  2. Publishing in pypi servers using

Let’s see the details:

1. Building the dist packages - issues with .pypirc file

There was a problem with Python’s setuptools locating the .pypirc file needed with the configuration to register (in
test servers) and upload the package.

The solution was pretty simple, I used the Git Bash terminal (any other *NIX terminal should work) and placed the .pypirc
file in the home ~ directory. The build was successful from this terminal.

2. Publishing in PyPi

The first result when Googling for “pypi publishing” is a very well explained guide
that sums up most what you need to effectively publish a PyPi package.

Unfortunately, the method for publishing to the PyPi Live servers is deprecated, you have to use twine instead. The steps
for publishing the PyPi package would be (also from the *NIX terminal):

  1. Build the package distribution. In this case I built the source and wheels distribution:

    $ python sdist bdist_wheel
  2. Publish using twine

    $ twine upload dist/*

That’s it. Your python packages should be online already.
